Jun 18Liked by Melos Han-Tani

Hello! i love your work.

What made you want to release the demo so early? I'm excited for the game but i dont wanna play the demo bc im worried i will really like it and it will make waiting for the release more difficult lol

I dont anticipate that it would be that different for people that are getting introduced to the game through it. Even if it releases early 2025 it's still half a year to maintain interest.

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Hi! Releasing the demo early is part of our outreach/marketing strategy. Having a strong demo out ASAP is good for multiple reasons - applying for funding, but also applying for things like Steam Events which often require demos. The other reason is just by having a good demo out, accumulates awareness and word of mouth over time. I think some people were unsure about the bumpslash/etc, so having a playable version out is good for proving that the game design works! And generally speaking it seems to have paid off - a few people have covered it on youtube/twitch, we have more players interested on Twitter, etc. I think it was also a nice gesture for the people who have been following it since back in 2022, so they now have kind of an appetizer. Hope you'll enjoy it next year!

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Woah that's really fascinating. If it's alright with me asking, how did the marketing strategy emerge? Is it just intuition from years of experience?

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