This was a very interesting read. A battle system inspired by smash and sumo wrestling! Could the older 'tales of' game be considered for the action aspect too? Because they effectively battle in a set area... Idk, I'm just spit-balling here lol

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Yeah, possibly there's some influence to find there! I'm not sure which are the better of the series, but if I'm looking for action reference I would tend to look for ones which already defocus the presence of numbers and focus more on interesting combat scenarios formed by interesting enemy moves and setups.

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My game Bump Squad is exactly this with a card game twist. Its been a really fun challenge. I've been looking at a lot of abstract board games for inspiration. I've been working on polishing up the board game version before getting back to working on the digital version



The mobile game Hoplite is a great numberless strategy game too.

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This one is super interesting. Certainly a cool potential concept. Personally I have always preferred RPGs or strategy games that use lower numbers as well, as I feel that it places more importance on every action you take.

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Ever the contrarian, I read the bit about an RPG that downplayed numbers and my mind started reeling with possibilities for a system built around the exact opposite premise: what if you had an RPG where the numbers weren't just there to quantify your health or mana or whatever, but as strings of numbers in and of themselves? An octopus character, for instance, whose attacks grow more powerful for each "8" in her HP and/or MP; or a wizard whose magical attack transposes two numbers of the afflicted character's health (thus serving as a combination attack and healing spell). Feel like there's potential in this - the Balatrofication of the JRPG! :P - in part because it makes grinding not actually useful when having numbers slowly ratchet up isn't necessarily helpful.

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